Related Practice Lines
Climate Change
A cutting edge issue facing businesses, climate change presents a unique challenge due to its political, economic and physical effects. While the insurance industry is highly susceptible to the legal liability and financial impact of climate change, it is also uniquely placed to pro-actively manage the risks.
Our attorneys are currently acting for (re)insurers in connection with climate change liability lawsuits brought by a range of plaintiffs against the Carbon Majors. We have also advised on the impact of carbon trading schemes on business interruption claims.
For nearly three decades, Zelle lawyers have been at the forefront of large-scale liability coverage issues, advising and representing (re)insurers on environmental, asbestos, MTBE and weather-related matters. We have navigated the vast spectrum of coverage and technical issues these present, gaining an institutional knowledge that extends directly to climate change coverage disputes.
Our network of offices across the US and in London, and our relationships with trusted local counsel in jurisdictions around the world, means that we are able to work seamlessly between jurisdictions and offer our insurer clients a one-stop solution to climate change-related challenges.
Representative Matters
- Advising insurers on climate change exposure associated with liability policies.
- Advising insurers on exposure related to climate change lawsuits in the U.S., England & Wales, and other international jurisdictions.
- Consulting with insurers to improve certainty, understand exposure, and develop climate change business plan.
- Assess inwards and outwards reinsurance implications of climate change.
Our Team
020 3805 6293
(612) 336-9179
(612) 336-9102
(612) 336-9178
(214) 749-4218
(612) 336-9163
020 3805 6292
020 3805 6295
Counsel & Associates
+44 074 9697 1489
020 3805 6294
020 3805 6296
(781) 466-0708
(214) 749-4264
(214) 749-4205
(214) 749-4256
- Climate Change Litigation: What Can Liability Insurers Expect in 2024?, February 2, 2024
- Big Oil Certiorari Denial May Alter Climate Change Litigation, April 26, 2023
- After Climate Rulings, Insurers May Go On Coverage Offense, October 13, 2022
- Opioid Case May Guide Climate Change Insurance Suits, May 11, 2022
- Nov3
- Sep19
- Oct5
- Jul14
- Jul7
- May18Webinar: Insurance and Climate ChangeMay 18, 2021
- Mar24
- Nov19
- Oct1