Recruiting Contacts
For information about associate or summer associate opportunities, please contact the following partners:
Boston – Kristin Suga Heres
161 Worcester Road, Suite 502
Framingham, MA 01701
Dallas – Lindsey Bruning
901 Main Street, Suite 4000
Dallas, TX 75202
Ft. Lauderdale – Christine Renella
110 East Broward Blvd.
Suite 2000
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
London – Jason Reeves
19 Great Winchester Street
London, EC2N 2JA
+44 020 3805 6290
Minneapolis – Eric Caugh
500 Washington Avenue South, Suite 4000
Minneapolis, MN 55415
(612) 336-9178
New York – Matt Gonzalez
45 Broadway, Suite 920
New York, NY 10006
(646) 876-4410
Oakland – Heather Rankie
555 12th Street, Suite 1230
Oakland, CA 94607
(415) 633-1917
Philadelphia – Jonathan MacBride
1635 Market St, Suite 1600
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(484) 532-5341
Washington, DC – Jennifer Duncan Hackett
1775 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 375
Washington DC 20006
(202) 899-4102
Recruiting Calendar
Each year we participate in on-campus interviews around the country. Please feel free to send your resume and CV to
Open attorney and staff positions can be found” here.