Zelle Launches CAT-Law Navigator Blog
September 12, 2016Catastrophic events drive a significant amount of insurance claim activity, and the CATs and the resulting claims involve complicated and fascinating factual scenarios. Inevitably, those scenarios lead to legal disputes and court rulings that impact everyone involved in the insurance claim world. Staying on top of those developments is important in dealing with current CAT claims, preparing for future CAT events, and understanding how all claims and related litigation are being impacted by CAT disputes.
The insurance law group at Zelle invites you to follow CAT-Law Navigator, a blog providing news and information related to natural and man-made catastrophic events around the world. Every Tuesday, Zelle's CAT-Law team will share recent news of note or on a topic of general interest to industry practitioners. And when catastrophes strike, important legal rulings are issued, or other developments occur, we will post more frequently to keep you in the know.
To visit or follow the CAT-Law Navigator click here. Following the blog is simple - just enter your e-mail address in the box below the "Subscribe by Email" heading on the right side of the page.
Please contact us at CATLawNavigator@zellelaw.com with any questions.