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Zelle Hofmann honored as Champion of Justice by Texas Access to Justice Commission

August 28, 2013

The Texas Access to Justice Commission has announced the winning law firms in its second annual Access to Justice (ATJ) Campaign, and Zelle Hofmann is among the 2013 honorees.

The 2013 ATJ Law Firm Campaign involved more than 120 firms throughout Texas. Attorneys were encouraged to make the suggested $150 Access to Justice Contribution on their State Bar of Texas dues statement. Winning firms were selected in two categories: highest overall contribution and the percentage of attorneys within the firm that contributed. 

Zelle Hofmann was among the award winners for highest percentage of participation, with 100% of the attorneys in the firm’s Dallas office contributing.

This year the ATJ campaign raised more than $1 million for legal aid. Nearly six million people qualify for civil legal aid in Texas, but due to a lack of resources only 20-25% of their legal needs can be met. Civil legal aid helps those with critical legal issues, like spouses and children of domestic abuse, elderly citizens who have been denied life-sustaining prescriptions, veterans who are not able to receive critical medical benefits, and families whose homes are facing wrongful foreclosure. 

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