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Kristin Cummings and Christine Renella to present at LEA 2024 Spring Meeting & Educational Conference

June 6, 2024

Kristin Cummings, a partner in Zelle’s Dallas office and Christine Renella, a partner in Zelle’s Ft. Lauderdale office, will present "Navigating the Gulf Coast: The Latest Developments Impacting Insurance Laws in Florida, Texas, and Louisiana" on June 6, 2024 from 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm EST at the Loss Executives Association 2024 Spring Meeting & Educational Conference in Newport, RI.

Topic Summary:

This session is designed to educate insurers on the impacts of the recent legislative changes in the country’s judicial hellholes along the Gulf Coast – Florida, Texas, and Louisiana. Now that we are starting to see how courts have interpreted these changes, panelists will discuss the emerging case law and provide guidance on how to navigate claims amid these changes.

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