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9/11-The Destruction of the World Trade Center

Within days of 9/11, it became apparent that the destruction of the World Trade Center presented the insurance industry with a highly complex set of valuation and coverage issues. The post-loss environment required a coordinated, strategic response by insurers. Zelle coordinated coverage, measurement, reinsurance and subrogation strategies for one of the world’s largest property insurers, providing consistent analysis to the entire book of business at risk. Zelle attorneys were  responsible for claims made under nearly 100 different insurance contracts, including highly complex property and time element claims related to the loss of:

Zelle assisted its clients in the resolution of billions of dollars of claims through a combination of adjustments, mediations, appraisals, arbitrations, jury trials, multiple trips to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and delicate political negotiations with local, state and federal elected officials.

coverage issues resolved

SUBROGATION issues resolved


The firm also handled the following reinsurance issues:

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